How to Identify and Seal Leaks at Home

Discover how you can identify and seal air leaks in your home.

The Science of Heat Loss: Identifying and Sealing Leaks in Your Home


As the days grow shorter and the temperature drops, ensuring your home is well-insulated becomes paramount. Heat loss, often unnoticed, can lead to increased energy bills and reduced comfort. We'll explore the science behind heat loss and provide practical tips on how to identify and seal those pesky leaks in your home.

Understanding Heat Loss

Heat loss occurs when warm air escapes from your home and is replaced by cooler air from outside. This phenomenon is driven by the principle that heat naturally moves from warmer areas to cooler areas. In winter, this means warm air seeks to escape your cozy home and meet the chill outside.

Common Areas of Heat Loss:

  1. Windows and Doors: These are prime culprits for heat loss. Gaps around window frames and doors, as well as single-pane windows, can significantly contribute to heat escaping.
  2. Attics and Roofs: Insufficient insulation in the attic or roof can allow warm air to rise and seep out.
  3. Walls: Poorly insulated walls can conduct heat outside, creating cold spots within your home.
  4. Basements and Crawl Spaces: Unsealed gaps and cracks in the foundation can allow cold air to infiltrate your home.
  5. Ductwork: Leaky ducts can lead to the loss of conditioned air before it reaches the living spaces.

Identifying Heat Leaks

1. Visual Inspection:

  • Check for gaps around windows and doors.
  • Look for cracks in walls and foundation.
  • Inspect the attic for thin or missing insulation.

2. Feel for Drafts:

  • On a windy day, use your hand to feel around windows, doors, and electrical outlets for drafts.

3. Thermal Imaging:

  • Professional services or thermal imaging cameras can pinpoint areas of heat loss.

4. Blower Door Test

  • A professional test can measure the amount of leakage in your home and based on the age and square footage of your home, and the technicians can seal your home to reach proper tightness to allow or proper efficiency

Sealing the Leaks

1. Weatherstripping:

  • Apply weatherstripping around doors to create a seal against drafts.

2. Caulking:

  • Seal cracks and gaps in walls, windows, and doors with a high-quality caulk.

3. Insulate Your Attic and Roof:

  • Ensure there is sufficient insulation in these areas to prevent heat from escaping. In most homes, we bring an attic insulation for up to R48 which is about 15 to 16 inches. Over 80% of homes in California are underinsulated.

4. Seal Ductwork:

  • Use specialized duct sealant or metal tape to seal any leaks in your HVAC ducts. We recommend hiring a professional that could measure your duct leakage and bring it up to California standards.

5. Install Double-Pane Windows:

  • Consider upgrading to double-pane windows for better insulation.

6. Install Outlet Gaskets

  • They help seal the gaps between the outlet box and the cover plate, which can be a source of air leakage. This helps prevent cold air from entering your home in the winter and hot air from entering in the summer, which can help improve energy efficiency and lower heating and cooling costs.


Understanding the science of heat loss empowers homeowners to take action and create a more energy-efficient and comfortable living environment. By identifying and sealing leaks, you not only reduce your energy bills but also contribute to a more sustainable future. So, grab your caulking gun and weatherstripping, and let's make our homes snug and warm this winter!